Global Network

Worldwide Coverage for your High-Performance Engineering Needs

At Prodieco we think global but act local, with 98% of our products and services exported to customers in more than 55 countries. Our sales representatives are present in West and East Europe, North, Central and South America, Northern and Southern Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia.
We currently have in excess of 260 employees dedicated to excellence in the design and manufacturing of blister format size parts and feeders for the pharmaceutical industry. 
Reach out to our sales team
  • Global Network
  • The Americas
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • Asia
  • Africa

Cody Clabaugh

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: USA

Greg Watson

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium and Holland

David Flanagan​

Director of Business Development
Sale Zone: Israel, Malta, China, Korea & South East Asia

Joseph Perris

Head of Sales Operations

Ahmed Benyahia

Technical Sales Manager
Sale Zone: Algeria and Region

Gabriel López-Gras

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: Portugal and Spain

Kirill Mikhailov

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: Italy and Russia

Ceyhan Kaya

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: DACH, Turkey, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania

Mostafa Gad

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: Middle East, Africa and Indonesia

Bastian Theisen

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: D / A / CH

Renato Bertoni Barbosa

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: LATAM

Davy Qi

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: China

Ronan LeMoigne

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: France and North Africa

Richard Norris

Area Sales Manager
Sale Zone: USA and Canada

Support at Every Stage

Prodieco’s dedicated Customer Support division offers a vast range of extensive services for Blister Tooling Solutions. These unique support packages, tailored to match your exact needs for format parts, present you with complete support during every stage of the process to deliver the best in the market, Blister Tooling Solutions.
During the installation stage of your project, our first-class team of remote engineers, offers you complete on-site technical support during installation, programming the whole blister line and qualifying the blister format size parts on the carried-out line.
Furthermore, Our engineers offer you great flexibility to stay on-site until all the knowledge is successfully transferred. Your personnel is trained to ensure that all format parts are fully operational and working perfectly before leaving your site.

"Unrivalled Knowledge. Unique Understanding."

Prodieco have been a leader in precision engineering solutions for over 60 years.